The power of mandelic acid for treating acne was discovered by James E. Fulton (M.D., Ph.D.), a pioneering dermatologist who developed groundbreaking treatments such as Retin-A, benzoyl peroxide gel, and alpha-hydroxy acids. Later in his career, he discovered the unique benefits of mandelic acid treatments. What follows stems from his research.

1) Normal skin - Everyone's skin sheds dead skin cells. These dead cells are also shed inside your pores. There, they are mixed with sebum, a natural oil produced by your skin. Healthy pores are able to process and remove this daily build-up of dead skin cells and sebum, staying healthy, clear, and free of infection or blockage.

2, 3, 4) Problem skin - Some of us have a genetic predisposition to shed more skin cells than others. We are more prone to acne and body bumps because our pores are not able to remove the greater amount of dead skin cells each and every day. When dead skin cells mix with sebum, a plug is formed (2). This plug creates an anaerobic environment in which bacteria can thrive, and inflammation occurs (3). Eventually, the pore becomes so inflamed that it ruptures, and the contents spill out into the surrounding skin, creating further redness, irritation, and swelling (4). 

The AlmondClear solution - Mandelic acid treatment works to keep skin clear by entering the pore and dissolving the sludge of dead skin cells and sebum that lead to blockage. Its anti-bacterial properties also help to reduce the microbes that cause inflammation. Once the excess dead skin cells, sebum, and bacteria are removed, your pore can function normally.

* AlmondClear is highly effective for acne-prone skin, but it is not a "cure." You will need to use it routinely if you want to keep your blemishes at bay. With continual use, the cycle of problem skin outlined above will be eliminated.